Small Business Insights
From Another Small Business Owner

Opportunities > Problems

We offer Small Business Consulting Services in Houston as a resource for current business owners to identify growth opportunities and to optimize their current activity.

Already Living the Entrepreneur Dream?

If you’re like some of us you might be craving more. You know your business hasn’t reached its full potential. You dream about crafting new products or new strategies that can reduce overhead and increase profits. You fantasize about tapping into new marketplaces, increasing production and margins alike. How do we know this? Because we are just like you. This is the juice that, as entrepreneurs, keeps us going.

I Want To Grow but I Don’t Want to Mess with Consultants

You’re not alone in this! In fact, we actually can’t stand consultant firms. We don’t like other companies coming in and chiming in with opinions about any facet of the business. If this is you, this doesn’t make you a bad entrepreneur, you simply just want things run a certain way! That’s okay. In fact, it’s great for you because it means that we can help you! We understand.

Small Business Insights
From Another Small Business Owner

Opportunities > Problems

We offer Small Business Consulting Services in Houston as a resource for current business owners to identify growth opportunities and to optimize their current activity.

Already Living the Entrepreneur Dream?

If you’re like some of us you might be craving more. You know your business hasn’t reached its full potential. You dream about crafting new products or new strategies that can reduce overhead and increase profits. You fantasize about tapping into new marketplaces, increasing production and margins alike. How do we know this? Because we are just like you. This is the juice that, as entrepreneurs, keeps us going.

I Want To Grow but I Don’t Want to Mess with Consultants

You’re not alone in this! In fact, we actually can’t stand consultant firms. We don’t like other companies coming in and chiming in with opinions about any facet of the business. If this is you, this doesn’t make you a bad entrepreneur, you simply just want things run a certain way! That’s okay. In fact, it’s great for you because it means that we can help you! We understand.


We are not business coaches or “consultants,” in the traditional sense. We know the word “consultant” has a bunch of different meanings today, and oftentimes can be very “corporate” sounding. We want you to know, we are the furthest business owners from corporate. You will never get corporate-jargon or process implementations from us, unless that’s specifically what you want.

We are here as partners, or a resource, to walk hand-in-hand with you as we identify existing pain points and find efficient solutions to overcome them. We are here to listen to your business initiatives and goals, and to help you identify new markets and growth opportunities for your existing small business. We are here to help you identify new opportunities, develop strategies and tactics that promote growth and forward-thinking.

With Our Business Consultant Services, You Can Expect:

Consult Chill currently owns and operate over 5 different businesses in Houston Texas and has been in business for nearly 10 years. We have also co-founded nearly a dozen companies, and some might say we’re serial entrepreneurs.

We have experience at every level of the supply chain. What started as one big dream in a very small garage apartment in Houston, Texas, has grown into multiple, income-producing entities that support around a dozen staff members and countless contract partners.

It is worth pointing out though, not all of our business ideas have worked! This is the fun of learning and growing. We get to identify what works for us and leave the rest behind to keep on growing.

We know first-hand how incredibly rewarding, yet painfully challenging at times, operating a small business can be because we’re living and breathing it everyday!

We live for the hustle and never stop working. If you don’t either, then our Small Business Consulting Services are for you!

To learn more about us, check out our Mentorship, Business Ideas, and Startup Accelerator Program pages.

Need Another Small Business Perspective?

Fill out the short form below and we'll get a introductory meeting set up. If you prefer, call or text instead (281) 705-4127.

How Does This Work?

Like most things, it starts with picking up the phone and calling. We will first get to know each other, listen to your story, find out where you’re headed and what you’re wanting to accomplish. Based on your needs, we will then place you into our Small Business Consultant Services, or one of our other relevant programs: Mentorship Program, Startup Incubator Program or our Venture Capital program.

Though vastly different in scope, these programs can have some crossover and depending on what stage you are in your business, you may benefit more from one of these services. Once we’re started on your Business Consultant journey, we’ll assist you in prioritizing what to work on first and dive in!

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